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Commentary Search

  • March Chief's Perspective

    As I sit down to prepare my thoughts for this article I cannot help but feel very humbled by recently becoming a newly minted chief master sergeant within the best organization top to bottom that I’ve ever been associated with. I have spent the last 34 years of my 36-year career as a proud Swamp Fox

  • March Shirt Blast

    We're told from the get go that we need to be in a state of readiness. From basic, we had to hurry up and wait. In tech school, we had to be ready for class at a moment's notice. At your base now, are you ready to be deployed? I want you to think about readiness from a different, deeper

  • March Chaplain's Reflections

    “So, you’re like an altar boy or something?” It was perhaps the most creative guess I’ve heard when I shared my Air Force job title. This guy I met at a barbeque is now my boyfriend, despite his comparison of me to a young catholic boy in robes. More often, I get a simple, “What the heck is a

  • March Retiree's Corner

    This will be my fifth article honoring the Desert Storm Call-Up folks, and the second of ten articles honoring the 169th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (CAMS). I have received some other information from Don McManus about key maintenance personnel assigned to the 169th Maintenance

  • February Commander's Corner

    I write this column from the Red Flag 21-1 exercise at Nellis AFB, Nevada. We are currently fulfilling the exercise air tasking order putting our nation’s air and space power capabilities on full display. Red Flag 21-1 demonstrates our military’s joint capabilities through a wide array of platforms

  • February Shirt Blast

    “As Airmen, we are charged with upholding a culture founded on professionalism, dignity, and respect – that’s what our core values are about.” -Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee JamesWhen was the last time you looked at the “Little Blue Book”? It contains a wealth of knowledge and guidance.

  • February Fitness Tips

    Here are five tips for having a healthier 2021 and a dumbbell ab workout with some surprising core-challenging moves.

  • February Chaplain's Reflections

    Before I joined the Air National Guard in 2012, my weekends were consumed with hauling lawn mowers around town and working many hours cutting grass. This was the result of learning the industry while I was younger. During my middle school and high school years, the summers were filled with helping

  • February Chief's Perspective

    What is a Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) anyway? The CSEL is the senior enlisted leader in a state. A few months ago I was selected to serve as the interim CSEL for the South Carolina National Guard and am honored to be the first South Carolina Air National Guardsmen to hold this position. As