Base Operator / Directory Assistance
(803) 647-8300 | DSN: 583-8300
SCANG Phone Directory
PLEASE NOTE: 169th FW Public Affairs does not have the ability to redirect incoming calls to other offices. Please contact the base operator for assistance.
SCANG Recruiting Office
(803) 647-8850
Email Recruiting
Military Personnel Flight (ID Cards, DEERS, records etc.)
Click here for base access information
All deliveries to McEntire JNGB please call:
Traffic Management Office-TMO (803) 647-8528
169th Fighter Wing / Public Affairs
1325 South Carolina Rd
McEntire JNGB, SC 29044
(803) 647-8208 | DSN: 583-8208
Email Public Affairs
*Please no solicitations, this is an official government website and we cannot accept any requests for advertisements or business/personal promotions.