July Retiree's Corner Published July 14, 2015 By Robert (Bob) W. Barkalow Jr. Master Sgt. (Retired) MCENTIRE JOINT NATIONAL GUARD BASE, S.C. -- As usual we had around 50+ people to show for our June luncheon; actually we had to 'squeeze' some of the late comers in at various tables. We really had a good time, and since Major Brian Doyle was again our McEntire Liaison for at least the fourth time, we made him an 'honorary' retiree, he has visited us so much. We enjoy having him since he enlightens us as the happenings at McEntire, in addition this time he elaborated about some of the 'social' issues with newer/younger troops. I believe we all understood what he was talking about, since we witness this all the time that younger folks rely more on their smart phones than human interaction. I can't help but wonder how this will all work out. Needless to say we missed Chief Terry Wingard, since he was usually a fixture at our Breakfast/Luncheons. I felt that I was close to him the last several years, and understood his compassion for SCANG and SCANG Retirees. McEntire History: We are honoring the second group of 2013 Retirees, they are: Col. Michael Hudson (short lived, now Chief of Staff, SCANG), Senior Master Sgts. Ramon Egipaiaco, Jr. and Debrah Smith; Master Sgts. Arthur Macon, Matthew Sullivan, Marcus Riggens, Michael Riggins, Charles Sulita, Jeffrey Bowers, James Steppe and Wilhelm Stratmann; Tech Sgt. Anne Witcher; Staff Sgts. Nyrere Howell, Rufus Mitchell, III and Jeffrey Turner. Historically there were no major deployments during the month of July however, I can imagine many summer camps that took place with sweating on the flight line for many. I was reminiscing through some of my old Breakfast/Luncheon agenda sheets, and noticed a lot of people who were first timers who no longer come and see us. I will submit some people for 'name recognition', and if you know them encourage them to come back and see us. They are Henry Wessinger, Red Havird, Roger Thomas, Furman Mattox, Gerald Keisler, The Tinman Brothers, Hayes Baker, Henry Beach, Doug Truax, Charlie Farrell, Doyle Wicker, John Tjaarda, Augustus Williams, John Pedings, Mike Mooneyham, Otis Wingard, James Smith, Warren Connor, James Glymph, John Timmerman, Ed Hartley, Melvin Oswald, John Brantley, Bob Steinmeyer, Wayne Scruggs, Don Eargle, Robert Morrell, Jr., Jim Freeman, Mike Brazell, David Bradley, Larry Waldon, Al Emenecker, J. B. Oswald, David Lever, Bill Elrod, Buddy Young, Bob Meyers, just to name a 'few'. Where are you?